How to invest daily in learning while achieving work-life balance?


Are you investing daily in your learning? Or not getting enough time for learning? 

Time is one of those things we can’t get enough of. Balance is something that you make when you are going up on a trek or speeding down a mountain. Similarly, when you are traveling in your journey to a happy life, you need to maintain the balance – work-life balance. 

Here are some tips that will help you invest daily in learning while achieving a work-life balance:

1. Pay attention to where your time is going

Have you calculated how much of your day is spent on coffee breaks, water-cooler conversations about the cricket match, or weekend plans? And on checking Facebook or sending tweets? 

Joe Mathews, Don Debolt, and Deb Percival of Entrepreneur recommend carrying a schedule and keeping track of “all your thoughts, conversations and activities for a week.” This will help you understand how much you can get done during the course of a day and where your precious moments are going. You'll see how much time is actually spent producing results and on unproductive thoughts, conversations and actions.

2. Schedule one hour daily for learning 

Spend the first 30 minutes of each day, determining how you will spend the rest of it. Allocate time for the priorities that you have set for yourself. Schedule time for the things, and just be realistic and you will never be stuck. You can use Google calendar or any other tool to schedule your daily tasks. 

Now, allocate one hour daily for your learning. You can allot half an hour in the first half and another half in the second half of the day as well. 

This way, you will move from a state of no learning to be good at prioritizing and doing the best you can.

Life may be a constant juggling show, but we hope you find these ways helpful to bring balance to your life. Be on the right path to a healthy work-life balance!

Do you have any work-life balance wisdom you want to share?

